Custom ornaments are an awesome way to capture that special bond you share with your pet. As an owner and humble servant to 6 ducks, 4 parrots, a cat, a dog, a reptile "and a partridge in a pear tree"
it is my absolutely honor to create a one-of-a-kind
keepsake featuring your beloved pet! My ornaments are 5.1" natural wood, unless otherwise stated. Each ornament is $20 (plus shipping).
*Please note that I use Paypal for order processing but no Paypal account is required.
Click the link below to place your order. One you have made your payment,
I will contact you via email to discuss your order.
Please be prepared to provide 2-3 high quality images of your pet.
it is my absolutely honor to create a one-of-a-kind
keepsake featuring your beloved pet! My ornaments are 5.1" natural wood, unless otherwise stated. Each ornament is $20 (plus shipping).
*Please note that I use Paypal for order processing but no Paypal account is required.
Click the link below to place your order. One you have made your payment,
I will contact you via email to discuss your order.
Please be prepared to provide 2-3 high quality images of your pet.